Become a Member

Become a part of the largest and most rewarding networkingassociation in Winnipeg.
Join Us
Your influencer in today's Marketplace
Membership in the Winnipeg Executives Association is one of the most rewarding and cost-effective opportunities for networking and business development. Imagine the power of having lunch with 115 decision-makers every Friday that is interested in promoting and purchasing your product or service.
Each member is your influencer in the marketplace – each looking for opportunities to personally refer your organization to others.
Member's Perks
Many friendships are
forged that can last a lifetime.
Members enjoy the comradery that develops as they get to know their fellow members who make up Winnipeg's top business community. In addition to regular Friday meetings, there are social activities year-round that include golf tournaments, an annual President's Ball, holidays, educational sessions, and other events.
Membership Criteria
To qualify for membership, you will need to meet the following criteria:
- Your category within the WEA is vacant
- The majority (75%) of the business that you conduct falls into your category
- Your business is older than three years
- You enjoy an excellent reputation in business, personal, and in the community
Join Us
The Winnipeg Executives Association is seeking members in the following open categories:
- Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- Bakery - Breads
- Bookstore
- Business Vulnerability & Continuity Planning
- Car Rental
- Chocolatier
- Commercial Fencing
- Councillor Therapy
- Decks
- Diesel – Service & Repair
- Docks & Marina Development
- Driver Training - Highway Tractor
- Engineering - Electrical & Mechanical
- Equipment Rentals
- Fire Prevention Equipment & Safety Equipment
- Fork Lift Sales/Service
- Hair Salon
- Hearing Aids
- Interior Design - Residential
- Investigation/Security
- Kitchen Smallwares Supply-Residential
- Lawn Maintenance & Snow Removal
- Lighting
- Metal & Electronic Recycling
- Mobile Signage
- Optometrists & Opticians
- Paint
- Personal Networking
- Pharmacy
- Physician - Family
- Residential Cleaning
- Screw Pile Foundations
- Septic Services and Portables
- Video Production
- Women's Clothing
Are You Ready to Join?
Can't find your membership category? Contact us to check if your category is available or to explore the possibility of creating a new one!
If you are interested in joining, please download the WEA Membership application below and email the completed form to